Il ne reste que quelques places pour rejoindre la promotion du 15 avril !

The professionals' Academy

Become a Unisun Practitioner, expert in holistic and systemic coaching and therapy

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The method to understand the living for a global support of your customers

unisun Fabien Malgrand

For who ?

⦿ You are a therapist, a coach, a wellness or a health professional and would like to acquire a comprehensive method for taking care of your clients to optimize the way you support them

⦿ You want to launch your career as a life coach by becoming a holistic therapist using the Unisun method and create a meaningful life

⦿ You are convinced by the method and want to go further for your own good and that of those around you

The UNISUN method enables you to support your clients as a whole, helping them to re-establish a dialogue with nature inside and outside them.

Next training session on April 15th, 2024

Registration ends on April 10th, 11:59 p.m.
In order to provide you with the best possible support, places are limited.

Thanks to Unisun Academy, you will:

⦿ Acquire an understanding of the living to address your clients’ issues in a holistic way

⦿ Reach a level of expertise in holistic and systemic therapy

⦿ Contribute to a global movement and feel deeply involved in a mission: re-synchronizing with the living

More than a training course, UNISUN ACADEMY is a collective experience that will change your philosophy of life and transform your coaching method into a holistic approach of life.

unisun academy cours en ligne

Online and face-to-face professional training


What is the Unisun method?

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The Unisun Academy training draws on various therapeutic approaches, and is based on a philosophy inspired by Taoism. 

The strength of this method lies in its global vision of the living world and in the synergy of ancestral knowledge applied to contemporary issues .

The modern therapeutic approach often treats the symptom in isolation, and pays too little attention to the living system in which the symptom manifests itself.

This training course will teach you how to identify blocks, resistance, lacks, excesses and stagnancy in a human being on the physical, emotional and mental levels.

It will teach you concrete tools to support people in their evolutionary process.

Like a general practitioner, embody the link between all practices, for a truly global and therefore more powerful support.

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Unisun is the missing link between all these practices. 

It is a language that allows everyone to understand each other.

So yes, you could do a multitude of additional training adding strings to your bow and try to make the connections yourself over the years and study coaching, hypnosis, nlp, naturopathy, reiki, osteopathy, energetics, psychotherapies, family and couple systemics… All these practices are interesting, but each has a specific angle of approach which does not enable us to address the person or the system as a whole…

Unisun lights the path leading to your customers’ transformation, so it is useful:

– to the expert who wants to learn how to communicate with fellow practitioners on physical, emotional, mental and spiritual dimensions alike

– for beginners who want to have a global vision of coaching and support before launching into specific specialties

mockup cours academie

A 12-month online and face-to-face professional training

Next training session
> March 15, 2024

What are the missions of a life coach and holistic therapist?

Becoming a holistic coach-therapist means adopting a holistic approach to address a person’s needs and provide full support.
It means becoming a “general practitioner” who provides long-term support and can refer to certain specialists when needed.

⦿ Consciously facilitate the balancing process to improve health on all levels (physical, emotional, mental and spiritual).

⦿ Guide people back into balance and reconnect with their vitality, responsibility, personal power and health. 

⦿ Provide tailored, personalized solutions to stimulate and sustain transformation.

As a life coach, you help to bring out the client’s own solutions and encourage them towards the desired transformation. You support them in achieving their goals on a daily or weekly basis, for tangible results.

Who can train in holistic therapy?​

Anyone who feels the urge to support other individuals towards greater physical, emotional, mental and spiritual balance and vitality can train in holistic therapy .

Is this for you?

You are determined to expand your skills, focus on your own journey, and encourage your clients to invest in their transformation process.

You are probably already specialized in one method, and that’s a strength! Even so, you may be missing the big picture, the connection between the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual dimensions.…

To practice the Unisun method is to understand that the symptoms are in themselves a suggested response from the living to move towards full health.

How can we accurately identify the causes?
→ thanks to an informed understanding of the different planes of existence (physical, emotional, mental, spiritual), of the energies at play and of the systems in which they are expressed…

How can we act in the right place and at the right time?
→ thanks to a precise diagnosis of the life forces expressed or not in the customer’s experience

How can we reprogram the different planes, for lasting and visible change?
→ by giving back to the individual their autonomy and power over their vitality and their life!

At the end of the 12 months of training within Unisun Academy, you will be able...

A unique and consistent pedagogy, for more results...

The Unisun Academy program was designed with the method it stands for! It provides a natural progression and an organic, effective learning experience. The aim is not just to learn theoretical concepts, but to embody knowledge so that you can apply it intuitively.

UA Prat Unisun

An online platform

A digital platform with more than 100 hours of video & audio content per cycle, to follow from the comfort of your home, at your own pace.

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Live sessions

IVE workshops and masterclasses every 2 weeks for real connections and answers to your questions.

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Coaching between students

In-depth coaching between students to train you throughout the training and emerge experienced.

unisun weekend

3 face-to-face courses

3 x 2.5 days (weekends) of face-to-face integration, for a strong and authentic human connection. (optional and filmed for absentees)


The carpet of metamorphosis

The “magic” carpet sent to your home for a concrete experience of this method.

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A community

Community tools with daily exchanges with your promotion and your trainer so that you feel motivated and supported every day.

Theoretical and practical knowledge

Our practitioners testify...

unisun newsletter forces de vie
Fabien Malgrand

After 25 years of experience, training and research into healing his own symptoms, Fabien wrote his 1st book "Je Choisis de Guérir" (I Choose to Heal), and then began to pass on his method, which is inspired by ancestral knowledge (Taoism, Buddhism, Chinese medicine...), in synergy with today's modern tools (hypnosis, neuroscience, psychology...).

This method immediately met with great success, thanks to its simplicity and profound effectiveness, perfectly describing the "life forces" that animate all experience, and enabling anyone to use them in the service of their health, career or relationships.

He founded Unisun to spread his method around the world as an Art of Living, helping us to reconnect with the living inside and outside us.

unisun florent
Florent Robert

Florent, who has always been passionate about people, helps Unisun Academy students - through coaching and workshops - to integrate the Unisun method and embody the Unisun values in order to develop their full potential.

Laetitia Unisun
Laëtitia POTY

Laëtitia accompanies Fabien, Florent and the Unisun Academy students on their journey, from the logistical aspect to the whole experience. She'll be your relay, a cocoon to lean on so that everything always goes smoothly for you.


The teaching team

We are able to guide you in many ways, as we each embody this teaching in our own way, with experience & conviction.

March 15, 2024

unisun life

3x more confidence, efficiency and customers

Please note: the number of places is limited for quality support (first registered, first served)

⦿ Payment flexibility

⦿ 1 theoretical and practical module per week for 12 months

⦿ The possibility of attending face-to-face courses (excluding accommodation costs)​

⦿ A unique UNISUN pedagogical approach and personalized follow-up

⦿ Become an expert in the journey leading to healing and metamorphosis, adapted to any topic: success, forgiveness, life mission, unblocking situations, clearing memories, creativity, etc.

⦿ All bonuses below…

Register now
to benefit from the following bonuses:

Create your irresistible offer !

Value: €400

At Unisun, we want to do everything we can to help you become a recognized, benchmark Practitioner with customers!

So we’re offering you a training course on how to earn a living without an audience or a product, with a coaching package.

An ideal system for beginners, using Unisun’s 5M tools.

You’ll see the strategies for positioning your offer, setting a price, inventing your methods, finding customers from day one, and becoming a recognized coach in your field.

→ Aiming for €1000 a week.

Unisun tapis metamorphose

BONUS n°2 :
The carpet

Value: €60

The heart of the Unisun method is based on the Tao of Metarmophosis and on its ritualized use on a printed mat that maximizes coaching results by engaging the client’s body and energies.

We’re offering you this mat!

BONUS n°3 :
The Energy Profile™️

Value : invaluable

This powerful diagnosis of your customer’s energy is a unique tool that you won’t find anywhere else. So it would be a shame not to mention it here! You’ll be able to use it as an entry point and a helm during your client’s coaching.

This Energy Profile is available online free of charge, but your client can take it as many times as he likes and send you his results directly. Of course, you’ll also learn how to use it to support your customer’s development.

energy profile unisun
base de donnees unisun

BONUS n°4 :
Structure and template for online customer follow-up

Value: 200€

To make it easier for you to set up as a Professional Coach, we’re offering you a complete online client follow-up template.

Adapted to the methods you will learn during this training course, it not only enables you to follow up your clients professionally, but also helps you structure your coaching sessions, both face-to-face and online, and can serve as a real added value in your commercial offer.


Feel more powerful with the support of a community

Our alumni network also contributes to the quality of this program.

You’ll never be alone in your progress, you’ll be supported in your difficulties, and above all you’ll always be stimulated through exchanges, meetings, collective research, updates and initiatives of all kinds.

At Unisun, we believe that this is potentially the greatest value offered by this course. However, it doesn’t come from us, but from the passionate human beings who have committed themselves to this school as students.

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And what happens after the Practitioner cycle?

We wish to create an elite group of coaches/practitioners/consultants who are active in the field of resynchronizing with the living, so once you’ve become a Practitioner :

→ Become a Unisun Master Practitioner, an expert in the method and significantly increase your impact on the world.

  • 1 year of individual mentoring with Fabien Malgrand
  • 1 year of Collective Mastermind in small groups
  • 6 days of live training

To increase your energy, reach new levels of maturity and awareness even faster, and make the most of your life project, while becoming one of the method’s leaders.

Most frequently asked questions:

Our organization is registered as a professional training center, and is certified by the QUALIOPI quality process. As such, you can benefit from OPCO funding. Contact us for more information.

Therapists or future therapists, life coaches or business coaches… This method is particularly useful as a complement for people already trained in Sophrology, hypnosis, NLP, Traditional Chinese Medicine, mindfulness meditation, Reiki, massage or various energy techniques, psychology, or even general medicine, physiotherapy, etc… They will not only rediscover notions, but a whole new world will open up to them. It’s a global vision that will benefit everyone! Patient or client care will be more global, more structured and more efficient, with immediate repercussions on the effectiveness of interventions.

Many of our students joined the Academy because they simply wanted to transform themselves, discover how to manage their emotions, bring more awareness into their lives, and master the tools that would enable them to feel better every day.

No one is really a beginner, as we all have a particular history and experience to bring to the group.

You may not intend to become a therapist or a coach either, but learning to discover yourself even without a goal is always a wonderful idea.

And in the end, you’ll probably know a lot more about what you want to do with all this! And God knows, there’s a lot to do to help the world reconnect with the living! 😉

In short, motivated, serious amateurs who are curious about perfecting their self-knowledge are welcome.

The training is essentially practical, beginning with an exploration of the fundamentals that allow you to gently (and deeply) discover the basics of training with immediate repercussions on the way you live your life or take care of your health. It’s only afterwards that you’ll be able to support your customers thanks to this professionalizing curriculum. There’s something in it for everyone, whatever their level of advancement on the path to self-knowledge.

This is the case for many of our students, including young parents, people who work full-time, nurses, night-shift workers and so on.

It’s important to us that training can be reconciled with a working life. That’s why we’ve given you maximum flexibility in the program: we’ve prepared for you the very best in online pedagogy, with short modules to be followed either day by day (for easy progress) or in blocks (for accelerated training, for those who want to work in “intensive weekends”). You can proceed at your own pace, according to your own schedule.

You’ll also have to do some personal work on the side, to ensure that you’re serious about the excellence you’re aiming for, but often in trios (with other students) for greater motivation and sharing.

Ideally, you should devote at least 3/4 hours a week to the program.

Don’t worry, we make it a priority to provide support and follow-up for our students:

-Everything is done so that you can find your way around in a few minutes and immediately follow the course.

-Courses are flexible and easy to consult.

-You have access to a “members” group where you can contact your mentors easily.

-Regular live events are organized to meet up, exchange ideas, create links, ask questions and connect to the group.

-You’re invited to meet us “in real life” during integration and practice weekends.

The teaching modules are delivered in several video lessons that you can follow at your own pace. The live sessions with your mentors take place during the week, but in the evening, to allow people who are working to join us.

You can enjoy unlimited replays of the live sessions, and you’ll receive the dates of the live sessions in advance, so you can adjust your schedule to be present with the whole group live.

If you miss a live session, don’t worry: you have access to all the live replays for the duration of the course.

There are no prerequisites. Everything is done to make your task easier, in particular through access to a shared space and a personal space containing explanatory videos for each of the steps, as well as models to easily copy/paste, and permanent assistance from a member of the team when necessary. We prepare absolutely everything for you. You can literally start from 0 and make it happen.

Online or offline, the principles are the same. We show you how to support your customers in every way (and which tools to use).

We understand your concern, which is normal given the hundreds of online programs on offer these days. This program is for people who have already tried a lot of different methods and approaches, taken several training courses, spent a lot of money, and are still missing something. The aim is to empower you: you’ll acquire the keys to being responsible, independent and autonomous. And above all, to being an expert.

You’ll have lifetime access to the video content in your member’s area, so you can come back to certain modules if you feel the need once the school is over.

What’s more, you’ll have access to all updates over time.

Because the method is alive and evolving with you 🙂

We’ve planned everything to ensure that your experience, even when digital, is as interactive as possible: small-group workshops, face-to-face meetings, practice groups, adapted video content… The training offers a truly hybrid format, combining digital and human.

You will be assisted, supported and accompanied by Fabien Malgrand, your trainer, as well as by your mentor, a certified Master Practitioner, and by your group facilitator in charge of the experiential aspect of the program.

Yes, we do! Each module contains theory and lots of practice, all supervised by your mentor. You’ll have the opportunity to practice and get constructive feedback from your mentor and other students.

You will have the opportunity to meet each other and the team face-to-face several times during the program.

There are 3 sessions per program, and you’re also welcome to come to any of the future sessions if you wish. To review, and continue to experience and meet.

Although we strongly encourage participation in these meetings, which are rich in sharing, practice and highlights, your participation is optional. We have students from all over the world for whom it is difficult to travel, and we understand that.

We are confident that you will experience a powerful adventure in this program, but… if you’d like to share your thoughts with us, you can contact a member of the team to discuss it.

(->  make an appointment by clicking here )

Do you still have

Book a phone call with a team member now!

We’ll be happy to discuss with you whether this course is right for you!

guide unisun academy

The method for successful coaching

Download the free guide and discover how to ensure that your coaching sessions are a success by following the Unisun method.

⦿ Increase efficiency, without changing your therapeutic tools and techniques

⦿ Provide better support for your clients, even in complex, multidimensional situations

⦿ Adopt a systemic approach for quick and lasting results


The book


Videos & podcasts


Unisun Energy


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