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Who are we ?

“This method changes lives.
It does not belong to its creator.
It does not belong to its team.
It belongs to life.
It belongs to you.

It belongs to all those who use it to impact the world,
by reconnecting to life within you and around you. ”


Fabien Malgrand

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A story like so many others.

A child born in a humble family, most probably imperfect but full of love.

But a child who is slowly accumulating health problems.

At the age of 10, he experienced an out-of-body experience in an accident, without understanding what was going on. He would have regular accidents and injuries in the first part of his life.

When he was 13, a man committed suicide in front of him.

By the age of 15, he was seeing a physiotherapist 3 times a week, receiving cortisone injections once a week, and accumulating ENT problems, skin problems, back problems, allergies, all of which slowly but surely worsened, culminating in serious lung problems at the age of 21.

At the age of 16, however, he began to reprogram himself by recording self-hypnosis tapes and devouring books on philosophy and spirituality.

At the same time, he discovered that a simple diet could reduce or even eliminate some of his symptoms, so it was a shock to see that doctors had never talked to him about diet, and that by learning to eat in a more natural way he could do away with certain medications.

When, a few years later, he was told that he would have lifelong after-effects and treatments, he already had a different logic, closer to natural or “alternative” medicine. He knows intuitively that he can get by with the help of nature, even if he is nonetheless grateful for all the comfort that modern medicine has brought him.

From the age of 18, he paid for all the training and experience he could get (sophrology, NLP, hypnosis, brief therapies, shamanism, energetics) with the money he made from his activities as a musician.

Indeed, music was his first love. It was to be his first “personal development”, a source of fulfillment that even led him, at the age of 25, to create an innovative music school (with over 300 students), and then to live for several years from his concerts in France and abroad.

His travels led him to discover other cultures, other forms of learning and other forms of medicine. He also began training in traditional Chinese medicine, and immersed himself in Taoist philosophy, which marked a turning point in his understanding of living beings.

At the age of 30, his friends – osteopaths, doctors and psychologists – asked him to train them in his broad vision of health. He set out to find a simple, pedagogical model to quickly and effectively support the return of vitality in all areas.

At the age of 38, he was at the height of his vitality and had fully recovered from all that had marked his life. He wrote his book “Je choisis de guérir” (I choose to heal) to bear witness to the philosophical and behavioral changes he had to make in order to overcome his illnesses.

At the age of 40, spurred on by his partner Raphaël, who fell in love with his philosophy, he created UNISUN to meet the growing demand from professionals wishing to be trained in his method. Their mission is to help as many people as possible to reconnect with life and gain vitality and confidence, just as he has experienced on his own personal journey.

It’s the start of a collective adventure that never ceases to amaze him with its scope and the enthusiasm it arouses.

A committed collective

Today, Unisun is first and foremost a human adventure, led by a team dedicated to serving the living world.

The Unisun company

We created this company to provide a framework for our projects and their realization. Our ambition through this structure is to spread the method, to undertake differently while respecting living things.

Ultimately, our ambition is to serve as a support for all projects or partners who would like to work in this direction.

The Unisun Academy is our professional training organization. It is designed to train “generalist” professionals in global and integrative health, capable of supporting individuals at all levels with a systemic approach.

Whatever you dream of doing, start it!
Boldness has genius, power and magic.

The “Unisuners” association
Former students

The association was born out of the enthusiasm of our students community who have trained in the UNISUN method.

As Unisun is not a “finished” method, but both an art of living and a “research center”, the students wish to contribute along with us to the growth of this movement in the service of this dialogue with the living. They have created this association as a support for mutual aid and sharing around the method.

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Christelle Robert –


unisun isabelle

Isabelle Augereau – TREASURER OF THE ASSOCIATION – naturopath, coach

unisun marie


unisun sophie

Sophie Maingre – ASSISTANT SECRETARY OF THE ASSOCIATION – osteopath, coach


Unisun Energy


Unisun Academy


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